Wednesday 22 November 2017


Sondag 26 November 2017. 


(Deuteronomium 11:22-25)

22. "Want as julle ywerig al hierdie gebooie hou wat ek julle beveel, om dit te doen deur die Here julle God lief te hê, in al Sy weë te wandel en Hom aan te hang, 

23. "dan sal die Here al hierdie nssies voor julle uit verdrywe, en julle sal groter en magtiger nasies as julle, uit hulle besitting verdrywe. 

24. "Elke plek waar jou voetsool op trap, sal aan julle behoort; van die woestyn en die Libanon, van die rivier, die Eufraatrivier tot by die Westelike See, sal julle grondgebied wees. 

25. "Niemand sal teen julle standhou nie; die Here julle God sal die skrik en die vrees vir julle oor die hele land laat kom, waarop julle sal loop, soos Hy julle beloof het."

Sunday 26 November 2017. 


(Deuteronomy 11:22-25)

22. "For if you carefully keep all these commandments which I command you to do - to love the Lord your God, to walk in all His ways, and to hold fast to Him,

23. "then the Lord will drive out all these nations from before you, and you will dispossess greater and mightier nations than yourselves. 

24. "Every place on which the sole of your foot treads shall be yours: from the wilderness and Lebanon, from the river, the river Euphrates, even to the Western Sea, shall be your territory. 

25. "No man shall be able to stand against you; the Lord your God will put the dread of you and the fear of you upon all the land where you tread, just as He Has said to you."

(Ek vertrou die Heilige Gees van God om die korrekte Skriflesing gedeelte aan my deur te gee elke dag, volgens u behoeftes en verwagtinge. 

Aan Hom kom toe alle eer, heerlikheid, krag, mag, lofprysing, aanbidding en danksegging van nou, tot in ewigheid. 


I am trusting the Holy Spirit of God to reveal the appropriate section of Scripture to me every day, according to your needs and expectations. 

To Him be all glory, honour, power, might, praise, worship and thanksgiving now, and forever more.)

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